Monday, June 7, 2010

Tamias Striatus

This guy was very cute. ( I got these while on vacation) At first he was quite nervous of me and my camera, but his greed for peanuts overcame that. Over an hour or so I was able to train him to come back again and again for more. He would come and fill up his cheeks with two or three peanuts and then go deposit them in some unseen hole. I set my camera on the ground for stability (there wasn't a lot of light), and placed the peanut where I thought it would make a nice picture. Eventually I just wanted to see how close I could get him, resulting in the last picture (I couldn't focus any closer than that). It was great because if I lied very very VERY still he'd start crawling around my legs and arms if it meant he could get a peanut. It was a fun afternoon. As an added bonus, he'll probably survive the winter with all the peanuts I gave him, so maybe I'll be able to do it again!
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